31 March 2009

And In The Beginning There Was...

This is about the 8,000th time I've tried to start doing this on a regular basis so I'm going to just go ahead and save myself some time by refraining from any type of cute and/or witty intro.

I like to write. I used to write on MySpace all of the time. I hate MySpace. It's deader in the water than Richard Dreyfus in the first Jaws. Ergo, I may as well try writing here.

Voila. Straight to the point.

My initial thoughts are to try and hit this up as much as I can M-F, weekday style. I have no idea what type of direction the site will take (I was thinking I could go a modern scientific-y route and do awesome experiments though, like what effect eating nothing but Cap'n Crunch for 17 straight meals may have on your psyche). And, depending on just how gosh-darned ambitious I feel, maybe even some type of podcast.

The most important part though is just knocking out that first post. Lining that first double into the gap. Unclasping that first brasiere. Unfreezing that first thousand year-old caveman that I found in my backyard while trying to build an awesome in-ground swimming pool in time for prom as to impress the red-haired love of my life so that I could teach him about nugs, chilling and grindage. Getting something down to start with. After that? Theoretically, gravy.

In the meantime, I promise to do my very best to bring you the same absolute minutia, dissection of video game habits, ridiculous amount of baseball talk and minimum 14 uses of the word "boobs" per post you've grown accustomed to reading from me in the past.


P.S. This guy is my newest hero.